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Simplify Customer Service Management with Live Dashboard

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February 22, 2022
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 min read
Jon Sidor

Effectively running a customer service team can wear out the best managers. This is especially true for fast-growing organizations with multiple teams working round the clock.  

Our newest product feature—Live Dashboard—makes customer service team management easy.

What does Live Dashboard offer?

Speed: Live Dashboard gives managers instant access to live info about their teams and agents.

Get up-to-the-second updates on your customer experience. See up-to-date stats for every service level—first response times, resolution times, averages, and more. 

Are you serving your customers well? Find out if your customers are getting to the right agents without refreshing a single thing. 

Prevent tickets from getting stuck. Spot inefficiencies and enable your team to resolve chats faster.

Control: Quickly spot how well your queues are doing. 

Is your backlog getting longer? Are response times growing? 

Assign more agents to assist overloaded teams before any bottlenecks arise.

Managers can access everything they need to know about their agents. Are they active or taking a break? Which threads are they in? How many threads have they resolved?

If a problem pops up, you can swiftly make the necessary changes in real time.

Flexibility: Predefine your own goals to see how queues and agents are performing. 

Ensure that your teams are meeting your standards.

All data is color-coded, so you can easily see what’s performing well and what isn’t.

The Overview, Agents, and Queues tabs are completely adjustable. Modify the layout, groups, or columns, so only the most important information is visible. 

Accuracy: Track performance with the most up-to-date info.

You don’t need to settle for historical analytics to check your team’s performance. See how your current shift is doing right now. 

In the Queues view, you can track a queue’s active threads, resolved threads, response times, and more.

In the Agents view, you can monitor similar metrics for individual agents.

All data presented on the dashboard can also be used to determine if your current structure is working or if any reorganization is needed. 

Satisfaction: Assist agents who may be struggling.

Satisfied agents are those that get help or training when they underperform. 

Don’t let agents fall behind or get bogged down. The earlier you spot inefficiencies, the likelier you are to give agents the tools and knowledge to work effectively.

That’s how you foster agent satisfaction. And happy agents mean happy customers.

Easy & Efficient Customer Service Management

Live Dashboard gives managers speedy access to the information they need. This enables them to manage traffic across teams and specializations without delay. Managers can take action at the slightest hint that something isn’t going smoothly.

Overseeing customer service teams is no longer a challenge—it’s a cinch. 

We've released our Beta version of Live Dashboard based on extensive customer feedback—and we're happy to receive more. Thank you to all our customers who help us build and continuously improve Zowie.