How Decathlon generated +20% support driven revenue by improving customer service efficiency

"With Zowie, it’s as simple as that: the more conversations we have, the more business we get."
Wojciech Ćwik
Omnichannel Project Manager
Maria Jaworska
Customer Contact Leader

Meet Wojciech and Maria

Maria Jaworska and Wojciech Ćwik are leading Decathlon’s efforts to provide an excellent customer experience. They're not just making processes smoother—they're empowering teams to deliver unparalleled service that keeps customers coming back.

The challenge

With over 2,000 stores and customers across 56 countries on 5 continents, Decathlon is the largest sporting goods retailer in the world. With one central customer service system that was far from flexible, it wasn’t easy for Decathlon’s teams to fully adjust local customer service to specific customer needs. 

This impacted everything, from the daily work of agents and customer service supervisors to the quality of the entire customer experience. Decathlon needed to find a solution that could connect different customer service channels in one platform and:

  • Provide faster, more accurate customer support
  • Easily integrate with complex internal systems the company had in place
  • Improve customer satisfaction and boost loyalty and sales as a result.

For Maria, the leader of the customer contact team, the goal was clear: to maximize efficiency while keeping the quality of the customer experience as high as possible.

The solution

Supplying their teams with the right tools was key if Decathlon wanted to see improved results.

That tool turned out to be Zowie, and the improvement was clear, fast, and way beyond just customer service efficiency.  

Today, Decathlon enjoys:

  • Faster and more relevant customer service with higher resolution rates and higher customer satisfaction overall.
  • A more consistent customer experience despite high volumes of customer tickets across different channels.
  • AI Agent support that directly contributes to sales during seasonal campaigns.

In fact, the switch in the customer service solution translated into 16% increase efficiency and +20% of additional support driven revenue.

Thanks to Zowie, our conversion rate from support interactions to purchases grew by 8%.
Wojciech Ćwik, Omnichannel Project Manager

The result: More efficient, better quality customer service plus higher revenue – check!

Zowie’s been instrumental in improving Decathlon’s customer experience, the lives of their customer service team, and even their revenue.

With Zowie, their deflection rates grew by 20% year-on-year – from 30% to 50%. And in the busy holiday season, they could replace the work of extra agents despite the growing ticket volumes.

This has meant:

  • 16% increase in overall customer service efficiency
  • higher satisfaction scores - 4.6 CSAT score
  • improved response time - up to 1.5 minutes
  • replacement of 19 extra agents during busy season,
  • and an additional +20% of support-driven revenue.

The next step? Integrating Zowie with email, which makes up 55% of the Polish customer contact volume, and will get Decathlon even more gains. 

With one tool, we've got email, chat, and an integrated hotline all in one place. When the customer calls, their details are already known, so there's no need to start with “please provide your order number.” The customer feels recognized, and the company looks more competent and professional in their eyes.

Zowie: a like-minded partner in perfecting the customer experience

Decathlon needed a partner who would grow with them – which they could already tell they had found just from the level of engagement on Zowie’s part.

Working with experts in automation and AI who understand the business has allowed them to come up with solutions perfectly suited to the needs of their teams and markets.

Features are developed to match customer needs, with new ones regularly added. The number and quality of these functionalities are impressive. Zowie is the perfect partner to work with.
Wojciech Ćwik, Omnichannel Project Manager

Are we a match? Book a demo today, and let’s find out.

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