Handle peak season with AI and never miss SLAs

Does your customer support suffer during peak season(s)? 

Don't let a surge in support tickets compromise your service quality or jeopardize sales.

During this webinar experts from True Classic and Calendars.com will share their secrets for maintaining excellent support during their busiest time of the year. And no, it doesn’t involve adding an army of seasonal agents.  


Handle peak season with AI and never miss SLAs

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You’ll learn:

How to anticipate the volume and type of questions you’ll receive 
Best practices for reducing customer service wait times
How to increase revenue while boosting customer experience
Tips for setting, tracking, and delivering on customer service KPIs during peak times

Meet the speakers

Maciek Ciołek
CPTO & Co–Founder
Tricia Berthet
Contact Center Director
Jordan Gesky
Customer Experience Manager
True Classic
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