Hire AI Agent & save your BFCM

Ready to transform your Black Friday and Cyber Monday results? Join us for a high-impact webinar where we’ll show you how hiring an AI agent can be your secret weapon this BFCM season. Discover how AI can streamline your customer interactions, boost sales, and help your team focus on what really matters—delivering an exceptional customer experience.

We'll dive into real-world examples, actionable strategies, and the latest trends to ensure your business isn't just surviving, but thriving during the biggest shopping event of the year. Don’t miss this chance to future-proof your BFCM strategy with AI.


Hire AI Agent & save your BFCM

You’ll learn:

Czego się dowiesz?

How AI agents can save you time and resources during BFCM
Real-world success stories from businesses like yours
Actionable tips to implement AI in your customer service
How AI can save BFCM by preventing chaos and generating sales opportunities

Meet the speakers

Poznaj prelegentów

Maja Schaefer
Co-Founder & CEO
Założycielka i prezeska Zowie, platformy AI do obsługi klienta, z której korzystają setki klientów w Europie i USA, w tym LPP, InPost i Modivo. Zowie jest wspierane przez czołowe fundusze VC, takie jak Gradient VC (fundusz AI Google) czy Altman Capital. Absolwentka informatyki na AGH. Kilkukrotnie wyróżniona w Forbes 30 Under 30 oraz jako jedna z 50 najbardziej wpływowych Polek w biznesie.
Oliwer Goliński
Chief of Staff

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